AIO GroceryMart

REVIEW: How I shop for Groceries at AIO GroceryMart

I had always envy those who are living in Kuala Lumpur or Selangor because they always have ‘delivery service’ which reach to their doorstep. Besides, I wondered if HappyFresh would ever start operating here until I watched Adam Shamil’s short ‘funny’ video on Facebook and Instagram on AIO GroceryMart. I rarely tune in to radio because I only connect to Spotify. Ya, kedapatan bah kan inda mendengar radio Kupi Kupi FM. I decided to finally try out this service because I was so excited that I can now shop for grocery items without having to step out from the house (or office, hahaha!).

AIO (All-In-One) GroceryMart is the first online grocery mart in Sabah. If you happen to shop for groceries online before, and you must have known some of the famous online groceries such as HappyFresh, Redtick, Grocer Express, Wosco, and Sam’s Groceria.

AIO GroceryMart

The AIO GroceryMart offers to solve our everyday’s problem whereby we can simply buy things without even going out from the house. This is a great service especially those who are busy taking care the kids at home atau malas mau keluar sebab panas bah tu matahari. You know how much it is going to be difficult especially when you need to take the kids along when shopping for groceries. Bayangkan itu anak-anak semua mau masuk tu troli. Sia rasa macam bulih stress kalau sia sendiri sahaja pigi beli barang-barang rumah. Besides, it saves up our time which is (for sure) to be wasted on traffic jams, looking for empty parking space, and queuing in line for checkout. And, of course, laki inda payah sudah kelam kabut mau balik dari kerja gara-gara bini suruh awal balik untuk mau bawa pigi beli barang-barang sana supermarket.

Although I’m staying about 10km from the wet market, I still find it’s pretty inconvenient to drive to Pasar Manggatal. Why? If you ever been to Manggatal before or staying in Manggatal, you will understand the ‘severity’ of traffic congestions especially when you are heading from KK to Tuaran. Sebelah pagi, itu traffic jam dari Tuaran pigi KK, dan sebelah petang pula, traffic jam dari KK pigi Tuaran. So, very inconvenient especially when the Pasar does not have enough parking space. In fact, I have to travel to a few places to shop for fresh vegetables, and get dry foods. I have no time to do these things especially when I’m in a rush. 

AIO GroceryMart allows me to have a better ‘stock management’. Yalah. Sia inda perlu lagi sembarang membeli sebab kalau selalu masuk supermarket, asal nampak yang menarik, turus tarik masuk dalam shopping cart. Bila balik rumah, inda pun guna tu barang. Bikin samak saja. With AIO GroceryMart, I can plan what to buy and prevent impulsive purchase. Moreover, I can monitor my shopping cart so that it stays within the budget. Cubalah kalau pigi supermarket, manada mau kira-kira guna kalkulator lagi tu. Sekali sampai di sana kaunter pembayaran, bulih-bulih ‘nokotigog my heart’ sebab jumlah mencecah RM300! Nasib ada debit card, satu kali swipe turus keluar resit. But, it still makes me hurt for failing to stick within the budget.

AIO GroceryMart

The best thing about AIO GroceryMart is it has 2 delivery slots – Morning, and Evening. They deliver 7 days a week, 365 days in a year.

  • Morning: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
  • Evening: 4:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m.

If you want to get your groceries in the morning, then it would be great to place order the night before because they will shop for the best ones early in the morning, masa kita masih poh kogoruk.

AIO GroceryMart

Delivery Charges? AIO GroceryMart levy a nominal delivery charges which you would never find elsewhere. They deliver from Putatan to Tuaran. Very nice one. Mahal lagi tu minyak daripada delivery charge diorang moti.

  • FREE delivery – RM100 and above.
  • RM5.00 delivery charge – Below RM100 in a single receipt of order.

How To Place Order? You can place order via their website or via their app (iOS or Android). Register for an account, and complete your details such as address, phone number, and other required information. You can make payment using cash or credit/debit card. Jangan kasi information palsu sajalah kie.

AIO GroceryMart

What If They Run Out of Stock? Run out of stock? Don’t worry. They will inform you via Whatsapp or call you. Their friendly staff will assist you punya. Very friendly, and you can always communicate with them macam kawan. Yabah. Apa macam panat pun diorang mau deliver, diorang masih greet korang with senyuman sambil angkat tu kotak.

AIO GroceryMart

My Final Verdict. Since I can be very occupied with works and research, I have decided to get their services from now onwards. Sia malas mo masuk simpang kiri, simpang kanan, cari parking… It would be great if they can deliver to Kampung within their coverage areas. Why? Because they asked me to send location via Whatsapp, so I guess it is going to be easier when paired up with this latest technology. Nanti sia balik Tuaran, sia mau try ini service. Manatau mentua sia pun berminat? 🙂

AIO Grocery Mart: Website | Facebook | Instagram

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